Installation of the Realsense Flash realsense firmware download the Firmware zip file (opens new window) unzip it in a folder whose path does not have any “ ” (space) in it, i.e no folder in hierarchy with “ “ in it. It will be way more simple later! connect the realsense to the computer (it has to be a USB 3.0 ) start intel-realsense-dfu.exe
choose 1 + Enter (Update Camera device ) Installation Install Intel.RealSense.SDK.exe (opens new window) Unpack the Nuitrack driver (opens new window) in C:\Program Files\NuiTrack
Install OpenNI C:\Program Files\NuiTrack\OpenNI-Win64-1.5.7-Dev.msi
Reboot (Do not skip!) Add the following System wide env. variable (“Variables systeme”):
: C:\Program Files\NuiTrack\nuitrack\
: C:\Program Files\NuiTrack\nuitrack\bin\
Plug the realsense and check if everything is fine in the Intel RealSense Viewer (the executable that is installed with the realsense SDK) License validation Run C:\Program Files\NuiTrack\nuitrack\activation_tool\Nuitrack.exe
with Administrator Rights Run the tests, you should see a visualisation window popping When the tests passed
Weirdly it should list 0 keys (perpetual and annual) even though you have bought one, this is “normal” Click to “Update to Pro” The licence should be activated !